Friday, March 02, 2007

The Sake Hunt Continues!

I am on a sake hunt again--looking for new sake for Oya's sake program. Here are a few I recently enjoyed:

Hakutsuru Draft Sake, Kobe, Japan--described by the vendor as Japan's equivalent to Bud that a good thing? Sweet floral aromas, fresh, smooth, crisp finish.

Takara 'Sierra Cold' Ginjo Sake, Berkeley, California--sweet white floral notes, smooth, creamy, lingering finish.

Sho Chiku Bai Organic Rice Nama Sake--intense earthy aromas followed by crisp pear and apple notes, clean, smooth, dry.

Sho Chiku Bai Premium Ginjo Sake, Berkeley, California--intense floral notes with licorice understones, complex, smooth, dry.

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